Coronation Preparation

Coronation Garden Party

"That sounds great!" Scary said. Charlie offered his expertise in construction to help put the bunting up when it was completed. Lizzie scampered away to hunt through the craft box. They had made their own colourful crowns last year for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations, but maybe they could also find some items to use as a golden crown, and a royal cloak for Charlie to wear during his 'coronation'?

"Can I help?" Vicky shouted after her. "And us?" asked James and Teddy.

Lizzie turned and called back "Of course, the more the merrier!"

Richard Punching Holes

Charlie also offered to plan where the seating and eating areas would be on the day (and that they could be moveable if the weather wasn't quite so nice), and Scary would ask their friends if they could bring some games and activities. Everything was falling into place.

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