Baking Muffins

Busy In The Kitchen

You may have noticed that Custard hasn't been mentioned yet - what was his job? He had the best job of all because he got to lick whatever was left on the beaters and bowl after the muffins were in the oven! He loved his job!!

Ready For The Oven

The end results were absolutely gorgeous. The bears had to be a bit patient after the muffins were taken out of the oven because they were extremely hot! But they ate them whilst they were still just warm. The tops were crunchy, the insides were light and fluffy, and the damsons were sweet and tasty. Yum! Yum!

Perhaps you could try baking some muffins too.

Custard's Favourite Job
If you don't have any damsons, you could use blueberries, or plums, or any other fruit really - they will all taste yummy! You can find the recipe the teddy bears followed here. Happy baking!!

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